Pssttt… Hello? I’ve got a question…

Remember that one kid in school who always asked weird questions and the teacher just sighed,

“That’s a great question for later…”

I was that girl.

But hear me out, because 99.999% of the time, my question had something to do with why.

All these years later, I’m sharing my super-power with you.

My name is Amy Shulke

Amy Shulke, Illustrator & Photo Avoider

Here’s some old photos of me because I’m too busy to get headshots taken.

I'm a Technical Illustrator — a fancy way to say that I’m trained to draw objects in the clearest, cleanest way possible. BFA Illustration; I've studied art in Detroit, Ann Arbor, and Grand Rapids, Michigan with lots of science classes in the mix. I’m a weird combination of left-brain and right-brain geekiness.

Basically, I draw and color the stuff that goes into textbooks, instruction manuals, and that “So you have a Hiatal Hernia?” pamphlet at the doctor’s office.

See? All those years asking why is actually a career option…

One day, I’m at work but I’m actually on the internet…

I’m clicking around one of those hobby message boards, the kind we used to have back when AOL was totally rockin’,

And I read the dumbest thing ever:

“QUICK TIP: If your Copic Marker runs dry, give it a quick refill with distilled water!”

Now I’m sitting there in a studio with 6 other artists and we’re all holding a Copic. I figured they’d be totally outraged too. But no, they shrugged went back to work.

Three days later, I’m still grumbling and my cubicle mate gently suggests:

“Maybe you should teach people the right way…”

Welcome to the thing that happened when Scott tried to get me to shut up.

Fifteen years teaching


   here’s what I’ve learned   

Lorem Ipsum

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    Quote Source

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    Quote Source

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

    Quote Source

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