Copic Marker Secrets that Free Coloring Tutorials Never mention!

Free coloring tutorials are great but there are important things they never mention. Learn the Copic Marker secrets you've missed out on! Improve your blending with these simple tips. |

Have you taught yourself to color using free Copic Marker tutorials?

The internet is a wonderful resource with tons of information about Copic and other brands of alcohol markers.

With so much free information available, many people do quite well learning on their own without help from local classes or online courses.

Free is great if you’re simply coloring for enjoyment.

But self-taught colorers need to know that the solo experience has drawbacks.

There’s no avoiding it, you absolutely will miss out on important resources and concepts that are rarely covered in free tutorials. 

Self-study is a little likeusing your father’s old...

Think you've learned everything you need to know about Copic Markers from free tutorials and YouTube videos? Oh boy, are you missing some important coloring facts! Improve your coloring with these simple tips. |

Hey, guess what?

I'm a guest blogger at!

Sarah is an awesome coloringbook artist and her website is chock full of handy information, free printables, and good stuff galore!

You can read all five of my Copic Marker secrets on Sarah's site. This is good stuff you won't hear on YouTube or read in free project tutorials.

Heck, I'm not even sure I've mentioned them all here on my own blog!

If you're a self-taught colorer, you need to check it out!

And be sure to explore the rest of Sarah's fabulous resources for colorers and papercrafters!


Lemon Zest - a Copic & colored pencil MARKER PAINTING WORKSHOP


Color Palettes: A Beginner's Guide to Coloring with Sophistication (Part Two)