How to Create Lots of Color with only a few Colored Pencils
In this Color & Chat video, Amy shares her thoughts on color usage and the coloring process for her new Heart Lollies digital line art.

Copic Marker + Colored Pencil: Vibrancy & Translucency, a Halloween coloring lesson
Bright color on Kraft paper?
It doesn’t have to be so hard!
Folks, I’ve seen a ton of Colored Pencil on kraft paper tutorials and videos. Ugh, they make my heart sink.
It seems like everyone advises you to basecoat the heck out of everything with thick layers of white colored pencil.
Have you ever tried this?
Because seriously, once you spend 15 minutes coloring everything white, you’ve got no tooth left over then to add all the brilliant color!
If you basecoat in white, you’re saying goodbye to any shot you have at realism.

Realistic Coloring: Glazing Technique for translucent objects (Copic marker, Colored Pencil)
Do you color transparent objects with a blue Copic Marker?
Last month, we looked at transparent glass and the failures of the blue marker method.
The blue marker method was likely born out of coloring frustration. Because really, what color is clear?
The blue marker technique seems to have caught on like wildfire; you see it everywhere! And I'm not surprised. Look, we've all been there. The stamp or coloring book image has a transparent object in it and we don't want to leave large areas completely uncolored... so what marker or colored pencil should we use?