Color Wonk lessons are always intermediate instruction


Try Color Wonk before joining or simply enjoy a regular monthly project without all the extras.

  • Monthly Access to last month’s Color Wonk project.

  • Monthly Access to last month’s Color Wonk livestream recording.

Sample Wonk colors a darling sushi heart in March 2025.


An amazing community of budding marker artists

  • Monthly Project Materials: Original digital stamp plus 20+ page guide with WIP photos, learning aids, and instructions.

  • Monthly Live Demo with Q&A.

  • Private Discussion Forum for peer to peer feedback & chat.

  • Tips & Inspiration

  • Livestream Archive: 12 months of recorded demonstrations.




All Color Wonk benefits


  • Technique & Tool Demos: Refresh your skills with our growing library of topics.

  • VIP Feedback Forum: Amy offers personalized advice and feedback on your projects.

  • Classic Workshops: Seasonal selection of Amy’s classic Workshops. Color your favorite images with new feedback from Amy and the group.


Already a Point, Blend, or UP student? Log into your account and use the PURCHASE page here.


Note: Live demos are not part of Sample level Color Wonk. Sample group receives the recorded version.


Three Tiers of Color Wonk?

What’s the difference?

VIP WONK is the most personal and skill-targeted level. You’ll receive personal guidance, feedback, and coaching directly from Amy Shulke. If you’re serious about improving your artistry, you’ll love having Amy’s help to reach your coloring goals. Includes a bonus of seasonal classic projects not available anywhere else.

STANDARD WONK is a community focused level. Enjoy an amazing group of colorists who love artistic coloring. Vibrant discussion forum provides peer-to-peer feedback with guidance from experienced moderators and often from Amy herself.

SAMPLE WONK is a simplified intro to Amy’s teaching style and the style of Color Wonk lessons. Or, if all you want is a monthly coloring project with no frills, Sample level may be perfect for you. This group works on the previous month’s project. Sorry, there’s no live instruction, archive, forum, or feedback at this level.



Beginner techniques like blending, layering, and underpainting will not be covered.

To master these skills before joining Color Wonk, I have two beginner courses:




This is a membership subscription to a limited-time, rotating selection of monthly lessons.

You are not purchasing a specific class. All lesson materials have strict expiration dates. Your access to Color Wonk ends when your membership ends.


A community of learning - A family of support

Crafty techniques can only get you so far.

Learn and grow with support from the Vanilla Arts team and the exclusive Color Wonk community.



  • Color Wonk is for intermediate level colorers who can blend easily and do not need close supervision.

    Please note that we do not teach you to use markers, pencils, or watercolor in this group.

    We recommend taking The Blend for beginner marker instruction and The Point for colored pencil instruction. These courses will give you the skills necessary to work at the required level.

    Taking Real Crayons will insure that you understand the underpainting and realism technique we use in most Wonk lessons.

  • Color Wonk is first and foremost a coloring support community. We're primarly concerned about the communication and feedback necessary for growth and learning.

    Most of your coloring should be done on your own without the video playing. Watch first and color later as the videos are not intended as step-by-steps.

    Monthly lessons include a guidebook with extremely helpful instructions but there's no way to walk someone through every bit of an intermediate level project.

    Livestreams will demonstrate the entire process but absolutely do not cover beginner techniques such as smooth fills, blending, and basic stroke styles.

  • Our membership is hosted on Mighty Network and they want to prevent you from creating multiple accounts. The error shows for people who ALREADY have an account with us. Log into your existing account and use the internal PURCHASE page here.

  • You must have a paid membership to download project materials, watch videos/streams, and to access the private forum.

    • Download the monthly printables (digital stamp and guidebook) before they expire.

    • To color, follow the guidebook or wait to watch the livestream demo. The stream always covers more than the guide can.

    • Submit your questions in the forum for the monthly livestream.

    • Upload .JPG images of your project to Wonk forum for help, feedback, and support from Amy, the Vanilla Team, and community members.

  • Lesson materials are usually issued on the first weekday of the month with some releases delayed by holidays.

    Lesson materials are available to paid members for personal download until the next month's lesson launches. It is your responsibility to download the materials while they are available.

    Sorry, we can not email missed items after the challenge has expired.

    Lessons will eventually repeat as seasonal classic workshops for Basic and VIP level members.

    You may keep the digital downloads for personal use. You may not share materials with friends or family.

    Your access to new materials ends when your paid membership expires.

  • The Video Archive contains the last 12 months of livestreams and related video materials. At this time, Color Wonk is less than a year old so we are still building the archive. In February 2024, the archive will be filled and starting then, we will follow a FIFO (first in, first out) 12 month rotation.

    PLEASE NOTE: I DO NOT SELL LIFETIME ACCESS TO COLOR WONK MATERIALS. Your subscription covers access to a rotating selection of the last 12 months of video content. When the 12 month time frame on a lesson expires, YOU WILL NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO THE VIDEO. NO EXCEPTIONS.

    WARNING: Digital stamps, guidebooks, or learning aids are NOT available in the archive. These materials must be downloaded during their limited monthly run.

    • One original line drawing from Amy Shulke of Vanilla Arts Co in your choice of PNG or JPG digital stamps.

    • 25+ page full color guidbook includes supply list, references, learning aids, technique suggestions, and WIP photos.

    • Monthly livestream focuses on questions from the community and covers several ways to solve an issue.

    • Community discussions and feedback are participant generated, the discussion can lead anywhere.

    You have approximately 30 days to download the digital stamps, printable guide, and any learning aids. You must download all matrials before they expire.

    You have 12 months to watch the livestream before it expires and is removed from the archive.

  • The forum is a private space built into the classroom software and is automatically included in your membership. Access ends when your membership lapses.

    We do not use Facebook.

    All communications must take place on the dedicated private forum. We do not accept email images and will not offer email feedback.

  • Every lesson runs for 30 days but the learning doesn't have to end there.

    Download all of the digital stamps and printables before they expire but other than that, you can work at your own pace.

    If you're working behind schedule, use the archives to view any of the last 12 livestreams you've missed.

    Aside from downloading materials on time, there's no issue with working weeks or months behind the group.

    As for discussion and project feedback, understand that the Vanilla Team will always keep their primary focus on the current challenge. You may upload old projects to the forum for peer-to-peer discussion but Amy can only offer feedback and troubleshooting advice on the current month's projects.

  • Color Wonk uses Copic Sketch or Ciao style alcohol markers exclusively. No feedback will be given on projects using any other brand of marker.

    Amy demonstrates with Prismacolor Premier colored pencils. Again, no feedback on projects using alternative brands.

    Amy has a BFA in Illustration and is proficient in a variety of drawing and painting mediums. She owns and uses more brands than Copic and Prismacolor. She limits the scope of Color Wonk materials and discussion for your benefit.

    Far too many colorists get trapped into a never-ending purchase cycle where they spend more time collecting art supplies rather than using them. We limit our focus to increase your learning potential.

    While we do not ban alternative brands, if your use of outside products becomes a distraction to the group, you will be asked to leave.

  • Direct and regular feedback from Amy is exclusive to the VIP Color Wonk membership level. While her feedback will vary from project to project, you will always have a direct line of communication and can ask questions as they arrise.

    Amy participates in the Basic level forum but we can not guarantee her direct response to your question. The Basic level is more for a peer-to-peer support.

    Sample Wonk does not include project support.

  • We encourage you to begin with the Sample level monthly membership to make this decision before you purchase a yearly subscription.

    If you're unhappy with the one month version, cancel your membership at any time during the month.

    Sorry, due to the digital nature of this product and the large amount of information you are given access to, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.

  • Members can cancel their subscriptions by logging in on a desktop and going to Personal Settings > Plans and Purchases > Cancel Subscription.

    Once cancelled, members retain access until the end of their current billing period. The cancellation takes effect just before your next billing date, and you will not be charged further.

    Due to the digital nature of this product, we have a no refund policy. We also do not pro-rate fees for those who cancel before the end of their subscription.