How to Color Real Dimension (Draw and Color Demo)

Use underpainting to develop realistic dimension rather than cartoon depth. Free lessons at YouTube. Illustrator Amy Shulke draws and colors  live, taking your questions about dimension, form, and surface color. | | Realism with Copic

Real Dimension with Red and Green Alcohol Markers

There are thousands of dimensional coloring tutorials out there.

“Depth and dimension” are buzz-words in the coloring community. Everyone wants to color with more depth and more dimension.

The problem is, these terms are badly misunderstood by most colorers, including the instructors promising dimensional results! Sure, what you’re coloring looks better blended than without the tutorial… but does it really look realistic?

And pssstttt…

Have you ever noticed, dimensional coloring tutorials often lead to uncanny, odd, and cartoonish results?

It’s because you’re coloring depth and skipping the dimension!



Draw & Color: Dimensional Poinsettia Petals with Copic Markers & Prismacolor Pencils

Watch now at YouTube!

(Recorded on November 14th, 2023)


Last Month’s Livestream

Use color theory to select realistic gray alcohol marker blending combinations. Free lessons at YouTube. Illustrator Amy Shulke draws and colors  live, taking your questions about grayscale and why gray projects always look lifeless. |

If you’ve ever wondered why gray coloring feels lifeless, I’ve got the answer. Colorers have misunderstood gray and grayscale for years, let’s look at why.

In this live session, I draw and color a realistic gray and black witch hat from scratch, taking your gray questions and offering tips.

No digital stamp, just me, some markers, my bare wits, and a few pencils!

Supplies & Resources here.



Resources for Real Dimension: Poinsettia Blossom



Poinsettia Photo Reference

I use a combination of photo references during the drawing and coloring process.

My primary drawing reference is one that’s free for you to use, courtesy of


Tips for Dimensional Coloring

ORIGINAL Poinsettia Blossom: Scanned immediately after the livestream. Note the flip-flopped Push/Pull on the 12:00 petal which was done in the last few minutes of the stream to demonstrate how to erase colored pencil mistakes.

TIP: Depth = Distance. Dimension = Form.

Don’t confuse depth with dimension! The majority of “dimensional coloring tutorials” are actually teaching depth, not dimension.

TIP: Look for digi stamps and line art drawn with dimension.

Imagine pressing one of these poinsettia petals flat with a hot clothing iron… Don’t purchase stamps which are drawn with flattened petals or leaves. You can’t add a lot of dimension to something drawn purposefully flat!

TIP: Why are opaque pencils a must-have for florals?

Watch the livestream because Amy explains this in detail!

Practice dimension-coloring skills from the “Real Dimension” Copic livestream with Amy’s “Poinsettia Blossom”, digital stamp. With underpaint and planning, you can color amazing depth AND dimension.  | | Realism with alcohol markers

Poinsettia Blossom Digital Stamp

Color along with me!

Drawing and then coloring live has one major disadvantage: Once I’ve colored over my drawing, I can’t turn it into a digital stamp for you!

The day after the livestream, I sat down to recreate the original drawing. I moved a couple petals to improve the balance but otherwise, “Poinsettia Blossom” is a near-exact match to the original.

Color along with me using the replay video. Push when I push, pull when I pull. It’s all great practice for your future independent projects!

F supply list of markers and pencils used during the livestream at the bottom of this page.

And hey, the printables from a retired poinsettia themed class is available in my Kit Shop. The class package includes a THREE blossom poinsettia stamp plus the booklet with photo references and supply guide. This was a watercolor class but the basic color info is similar for Copic. The pencil portions are exactly the same whether you’re coloring over watercolor or Copic.

Note: Video not included with purchase. It’s a retired class and today’s livestream teaches the same concepts with greater clarity.



Related Reading


Take a Class

Amy has classes featuring gray and grayscale coloring technique

Or focus on blending skills

“Steps to Realism” four classes walk you though the process for realistic coloring.

“Jellybeans” an exercise in thinking past shape to the form of realistic, dimensional objects.


Supply List

(to be updated after the livestream)

Use underpainting to develop realistic dimension rather than cartoon depth. Free lessons at YouTube. Illustrator Amy Shulke draws and colors  live, taking your questions about dimension, form, and surface color. | | Realism with Copic

Copic Marker Underpaint: Blending Combinations for Realistic Color - Brown Swatch (Golden Maple)


Color Palette: Copic Marker + Colored Pencil Combination (Gray, Gold, Orange) Mushroom Cap