How to Color Real Dimension (Draw and Color Demo)
Draw and Color with Amy in her latest livestream series.
In this episode, we explore the difference between depth and dimension for realism. Read more here.

Work in Progress: How Long Does Colored Pencil Take? (Poinsettia & Pepperberry with Prismacolor)
Every Project Starts Somewhere…
It’s in our nature— we always assume everyone has it easier than we do. So an artist? They must sit down at their desk and poof! The beautiful art just magically happens!
Uhm… no.
Pretty stuff doesn’t appear out of nowhere…

Coloring Flowers: Depth And Dimension Are Not The Same (Copic Marker, Colored Pencil)
“I want to color with depth & Dimension!”
It’s not just you. Everyone wants more depth and dimension in their Copic Marker, colored pencil, or watercolor projects.
I’ll bet that’s why you clicked on this article.
Yes, I want ALL the dimensional coloring tips!
And that’s kinda the problem… learning to color is hard if you’re only using free resources like YouTube videos, introductory tutorials, and tip articles…