Easy as Pie: Color Photo-Realistic Cherry Pie with Markers & Colored Pencils (Resources, Project Info)
“Easy as Pie” is a mixed media painting using Copic Markers and Prismacolor pencils to create the look of glowing tart cherries and glossy cherry pie filling inside flakey golden pie crust.
Learn more with our extra resources and learning aids here.

Work in Progress: How Long Does Colored Pencil Take? (Poinsettia & Pepperberry with Prismacolor)
Every Project Starts Somewhere…
It’s in our nature— we always assume everyone has it easier than we do. So an artist? They must sit down at their desk and poof! The beautiful art just magically happens!
Uhm… no.
Pretty stuff doesn’t appear out of nowhere…

Real Color Theory: Skip the Blending Combinations! Layer Color with Realism by Glazing
The reason why your Copic Marker or colored pencil projects look flat and cartoonish?
The reason why you never color anything that looks remotely realistic?
It’s because you’re using the blending technique instead of layering colors the way artists do. How to glaze colors for realism…

The Underpainters: Advanced Artistic Coloring Community- a step beyond basic coloring classes
All students get to the point where you no longer struggle to use Copic Markers or colored pencils. Coloring becomes pretty darned easy as you zip though project after project.
At that point, a good instructor either adds more challenges or pushes the little birds out of the nest.
Because it’s not good to play follow the leader forever…