Easy as Pie: Color Photo-Realistic Cherry Pie with Markers & Colored Pencils (Resources, Project Info)
“Easy as Pie” is a mixed media painting using Copic Markers and Prismacolor pencils to create the look of glowing tart cherries and glossy cherry pie filling inside flakey golden pie crust.
Learn more with our extra resources and learning aids here.

Use What You Learn: Color Pink Waves with Copic Marker & Colored Pencil
You can use techniques borrowed from other Vanilla Arts classes to color a sweet Valentine.
You can color this heart shaped ribbon, draw your own ribbons, or color any other stamp with folds and waves you encounter.
Good technique is good for a lifetime of coloring!

Steps to Realism: Coloring beyond Smooth Blending Combinations (Copic Marker, Colored Pencil)
Now that you know how to blend with Copic Markers, What’s next?
For beginners, the initial challenge with Copic Markers or even colored pencils is learning how to blend smoothly. After that, you worry about collecting enough markers or pencils to be able to color everything you want to color.
Buy, buy, buy. Blend, blend, blend…

Use What You Learn: Color a Rustic Farmhouse Door with Copic Marker & Colored Pencil
You can use techniques borrowed from other Vanilla Arts classes to color a rustic farmhouse door.
You can color this holiday door, draw your own door, or color any other door or window stamp you encounter.
Good technique is good for a lifetime of coloring!