Easy as Pie: Color Photo-Realistic Cherry Pie with Markers & Colored Pencils (Resources, Project Info)
“Easy as Pie” is a mixed media painting using Copic Markers and Prismacolor pencils to create the look of glowing tart cherries and glossy cherry pie filling inside flakey golden pie crust.
Learn more with our extra resources and learning aids here.

Colored Pencil: Are you Heavy-Handed and Burnishing? Improve Your Coloring by Mastering Pressure Control
Do you always press hard with colored pencils?
And you just can’t lighten up? Or maybe you feel like you have to automatically burnish everything you color?
You’re not alone. Many colorers have issues controlling their pencil pressure, not just beginners…

Coloring Myths: Underpainting makes everything look realistic (Copic Markers, Colored Pencil)
I’m thrilled that underpainting is finally catching on.
But I do worry that people are overdoing the underpaint.
Underpaint shading is not a one-size-fits-all technique.
Today, let’s look at where underpaint shading works best and more importantly, when underpainted shade can damage your realistic coloring.

Sketch Garden: Digital Line Art for Realistic & Artistic Coloring
Coloring classes and kits are fun but sometimes you don’t want another art lesson, you need more realistic digital stamps for blending and technique practice. Amy Shulke launches a new home for her line art and sketches. Sketch-Garden.com images are perfect for your independent artistic coloring projects.