Coloring Flowers: Depth And Dimension Are Not The Same (Copic Marker, Colored Pencil)

Coloring Flowers: Depth And Dimension Are Not The Same (Copic Marker, Colored Pencil)

“I want to color with depth & Dimension!”

It’s not just you. Everyone wants more depth and dimension in their Copic Marker, colored pencil, or watercolor projects.

I’ll bet that’s why you clicked on this article.

Yes, I want ALL the dimensional coloring tips!

And that’s kinda the problem… learning to color is hard if you’re only using free resources like YouTube videos, introductory tutorials, and tip articles…

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Use What You Learn: Color a Fiery Cactus Flower with Copic Marker & Colored Pencil

Use What You Learn: Color a Fiery Cactus Flower with Copic Marker & Colored Pencil

You can use techniques borrowed from other Vanilla Arts classes to color floral illustrations.

You can color this Cactus Flower, your own cactus drawing, or any other botanical stamp you encounter.

Good technique isn’t just good for one project.

Good technique is good for a lifetime of coloring!

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