Blending Combinations: Why It’s Hard to Pick Your Own Colors (tips for color independence)
Do you struggle to create your own blending combos?
I see a major problem in Copic Marker and colored pencil classes. I’m starting to see it in watercolor now too. I have students who can color any project I throw at them. Many of my students color my class projects better than me!
As long as you’re given a list of blending combinations and step by step instructions, you can color like a professional.
But when working independently— coloring your own ideas and choosing your own colors and blending combos… your projects look beginner-ish.
How is this possible?

Realistic Coloring: The Danger of Black Copic Markers & Black Colored pencils
Do you use black markers and colored pencils?
Would you be surprised to find out that I almost never use black?
My latest Copic Coloring Tips video at YouTube tells you the story about how I started not-using black. There are a lot of benefits to tucking your black Copics and colored pencils into the back of your deepest desk drawer.
I’m a better artist today because I don’t use black!
Today, let’s talk about the traps you can fall into when you uncap that black marker.

5 Tips for Realistic cast shadows with Copic Marker, colored pencil, or even watercolor
Do your shadows look fake?
Depth & Dimension are buzz words in the Copic Marker and colored pencil communities. Everyone wants more depth, we all want more dimension.
What we’re really saying is that we want to color with greater realism. And in our wildest dreams, we want people to mistake our coloring for a photograph…

Realistic Coloring: How to add authentic texture to your Copic Marker and colored pencil projects
Do you blend everything smooth?
My latest Copic Marker Coloring Tips video at YouTube is all about texture.
As a beginner, most colorers focus on blending skills. After all, the blends are what originally attracted you to markers in the first place.
So you dream about blending, you practice blending, and the color blends are what you notice most when you go online to look at other coloring projects and tutorials.
Blend, blend, blend.
But wait, are you stuck on blending?