Testing Derwent Lightfast Colored Pencils (Plus the Problem with Unboxing Product Reviews)

Testing Derwent Lightfast Colored Pencils (Plus the Problem with Unboxing Product Reviews)

I purchased a set of Derwent Lightfast pencils.

Amy’s using something other than Prismacolors? This is strange. What’s going on?

Do you need to rush out now and purchase a set of Derwents too? Well, let’s talk about the problem with new product and unboxing reviews.

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Colored Pencil: Do You Have Time & Patience for Slow Coloring? (plus Tips for Efficient Coloring)

Colored Pencil: Do You Have Time & Patience for Slow Coloring? (plus Tips for Efficient Coloring)

Colored pencil is slow!

The sharp point on a colored pencil is teeny-tiny. If that’s not bad enough, colored pencil painting requires many layers for vibrancy. It takes forever to complete even a small pencil project!

Do you have the time for colored pencil? Do you have the patience?

I picked up my first artist grade colored pencil in the fall of 1984 and I’m still working with them today. That’s decades of working at a turtle’s pace.

How have I survived this long without going crazy?

Hmmmm… How about if I share some efficiency tips that I’ve picked up over the years?

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