Do Not Use White Gel Pen for Realistic Highlights (Copic Marker, Colored Pencil)

Do Not Use White Gel Pen for Realistic Highlights (Copic Marker, Colored Pencil)

What’s the best white gel pen for Realistic highlights?

I get this question a lot— as if the problem is the brand of pen rather than the white pen technique.

If you’re coloring cranberries with the same technique you also used on a fuzzy brown bear or a prickly pine tree… And if you’re using the white gel pen highlight technique on everything?

You’ve got realism problems.

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Copic Marker Highlights: When Dimensional Coloring Technique Fails (Dark Pulling)

Copic Marker Highlights: When Dimensional Coloring Technique Fails (Dark Pulling)

Do you use standard Highlighting techniques?

C’mon, most people do.

Every Copic Marker class teaches it. Most beginner colored pencil classes do too.

Let’s use our lightest marker at the end of this petal. Now look at how dimensional our flowers look! Wow!!!

Highlighting for dimension is all over the internet. It’s rare to find a free tutorial that doesn’t use this coloring method.

And it’s wrong. It does’t always work.

What happens when the magic trick stops working?

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