This Isn't Paint-by-iNumber - Change your Marker Blending Philosophy

This Isn't Paint-by-iNumber - Change your Marker Blending Philosophy

Back in the 1970’s, if you did crafts, you made them from a boxed kit. We didn’t have the internet for inspiration and instruction. We crafted by the box.

I loved one kind of box more than any other- the paint by number kit. I lived for the moment when all my weird globs of paint on the canvas finally coalesced into a prancing horse or a spray of roses.

The rule in paint by number was to stick to the numbering system. Bad things happened if you went outside the lines, put the wrong color in a spot, tried to blend two sections together, or if you ran out of paint and had to start substituting.

Up close, paint by number paintings are eye-scalding but from 20 feet away? You might be mistaken for Van Gogh… or so the box claimed.

Gee, There are a lot of Copic Marker Coloring Classes Right Now...

Gee, There are a lot of Copic Marker Coloring Classes Right Now...

You're doing it right…

You did not jump into Copic Markers blindly.

You read the blogs. You researched colors, paper, and storage. And you did all that before you made the big purchase.

Now you're reading every tip and tutorial you can get your hands on. You're watching videos and printing step-by-step guides-- you are eager to learn!

And yet everything you color still looks a little... well... childish?

Defending Prismacolor Soft-Core Colored Pencils - An Artist & Teacher Speaks Out

Defending Prismacolor Soft-Core Colored Pencils - An Artist & Teacher Speaks Out

Colored Pencils are Hot

A few years ago, every crafter had to own alcohol markers. Then watercolor took center stage. Now it’s colored pencils.

There’s a ton of chatter about colored pencil on the internet right now.

And a lot of it is flat-out wrong…

Artistic Coloring: Advanced Online Floral & Glass class (Copic Marker, Colored Pencils)

Learn to shift color temperatures with Copic Markers to maximize depth. |

Can you shift the temperature of a color?


Contrary to everything you read on crafty coloring blogs, depth does not come from shading with darker markers.

Darker markers are darker, that's it.

I know you're not used to hearing this but it's true. Making something darker doesn't do a darned thing to sculpt its shape or to create the illusion of distance.


Ink & Hydrangea is now available as a class with anytime access!


Ink & Hydrangea

Join me for a fun Copic Marker + Colored Pencil lesson in the Vanilla Workshop

Ink & Hydrangea is an advanced skills class introducing the theory behind color shifting for depth and the use of temperature to indicate distance.

Learn to incorporate real artistry into your coloring projects, one concept at a time. Every Workshop details a new method for enhancing realism, depth, and dimension.

Each class stands on its own as independent learning. You don't have to take six of my other classes to understand this lesson.

Workshops are NON-SEQUENTIAL!

All of my Workshop classes are ANYTIME ACCESS. Work at your own pace and repeat the project as many times as you'd like.

Come color with me. It's a ton of fun!

Class Printable Pack Includes: 

  • Class syllabus with detailed recipe guide

  • Full color project sample

  • Guide to Copic base

  • Detailed color map

  • Project inspiration references

Select Supplies used in “Ink & Hydrangea”

(contains affiliate links to Amazon and Dick Blick)

**complete, printable supply list available with class purchase